Monday, August 18, 2008

Kids Yoga

Childhood is a vibrant time when natural energy and creativity are high, also when minds are open and learning is fun. This makes it the perfect time for children to explore and enjoy their bodies, be active physically and mentally.

However, nowadays, kids are always busy with school works, extra co-curriculums activities, tuition classes or other self-improvement classes. Their schedule is always packed with activities. During their free times, they will rather sit on a sofa watching TV, playing video games or online. Their minds are always bombarded with so much information which makes them hard to focus. Also due to their inactive lifestyles, many of them have developed a bad body postures (e.g. hunchback).

Kids imitating elephants walking

As a yoga teacher for kids, I always love to see the natural expressions of the kids. Yoga is expressive, and this makes it so appealing to kids. The kids will have chance to bring out their own creativity during the practice by imitating an animal or object. This may help them to develop their inner self and it also gave me a great satisfaction to see the creativities of the kids and the great smile on their faces.

Butterfly pose to stretchs

Actually, there are countless benefits of practicing kids yoga such as building up a better body postures while enhancing their growing up process, getting a calm and contented mind and a sense of inner peace. After a period of times, I’ll always notice an improvement in the kids as their mind and body are strengthen. They grow in self esteem as well as muscle development.

Imitating a cobra

My greatest joy of teaching kids yoga was during the demonstration of the postures. When I demonstrate the yoga postures to kids, I’ll be rekindling my own sense of fun and this will put me in touch with my inner child. This was the most enjoying parts. Its always reminds me of my childhood and its keep my mind refreshed with the old memories.

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