Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Yoga Photography @ Royal Malaysia Air Force, Sg. Besi

Yoga with the combination of Pilates techniques will get you the body you always wanted, nothing comes easy, first you have to learn and understand the functions of your core muscles, the activation of your pelvic muscles and how to keep your spine long. It's the fastest way for postural corrections, ease the back pain, toning up you abdominal muscles, strengthening you inner muscles, elongate your outer part of muscles and getting you a slim & tall body.

Angeline & Associates Photography
Full Version of Yoga @ RMAF
Extended Triangle Pose
Triangle pose
Straddle Split
Plank Pose (Strengthening Core Muscles)
Standing Forward Bend (with balancing involved)
Needle point (balancing pose)
Tree Pose
Full Tree Pose
From downward dog
Left leg up and drop to the right to go into the pose below
Bridge Pose option (slim down waistline)
Standing Bow Pulling Pose
Reverse Triangle (slim down waist line)
Boat Pose (Strengthening back muscles)
Bow Pulling Pose (stretching the front and strengthening the back muscles)
Bridge Pose (stretching the front and strengthening the back muscles)
Fish Pose (transition pose)
Seated Boat Pose (Core Muscles)
Single leg forward bend
Revolving Triangle Pose (improve flexibility and slimming down the waistline)
Keep spine long as you bend forward
Seated forward bend (lengthening the back)
Keep your stomach touching your thighs
Standing Side Leg Raise (advance)
Right hand hold on to right ankle or three fingers hold on to big toe
Stretching the hip flexor
Standing Stick Pose
Option, hand shoulder level
Balancing, twisting and stretching pose (core conditioning and slimming down the waistline)
Camel Pose
Butterfly pose (stretching the inner thighs)
Fold forward in butterfly pose
Pigeon Pose
Face down in pigeon pose (stretching the illioltitibial band, tensor facia latae (outer thigh) and hip flexor.
Warrior 1
Wide Leg forward bend
Option with arms interlock and pulling down to stretch the chest
Side angle twist (slim down waistline, tone up leg muscles and firm up chest muscles)
Side bend (slim down waistline)
Sun Salutation
Start with palm at the heart center
Palms up toward the ceiling
Bend backward (bend from your hips)
Forward bending, keep your back flat
Bend until fingers touches the floor
Lock your hand at the back of your feet and fold forward
Left leg back, look up
Right leg back plank pose, keep your back flat
Knees down, arch back and look forward, pull your shoulder away from your neck
Chest and chin down
Breath in and slide up into cobra pose
Tuck in toe, downward dog, keep you spine long, pelvic tilt in, feets turn in, heels out, breath in and out for 5 times
Left leg forward turn you head up
Right leg back, fold forward
Interlock your fingers and point your indeck finger out, keep your spine long and come up slowly
Pull up towards the ceiling, pelvic tilt in
push your hip forward and bend backward.
Come up slowly with your head come up last and palms back to your heart center, repeat a few sets. good for warm up and full body workout.
Photographed by: Habe/ Model and Directed by: Angeline (2nd and 9th April 2012)
Venue: Royal Malaysia Air Force Muzium, Sg. Besi
My training regime:
Vinyasa Yoga (Teacher: Edwin @ Celebrity Fitness Mid Valley) every Thursday 9:30am Pilates (Teacher: Evon @ Celebrity Fitness Mid Valley) every Wednesday and Friday 10:40am Freestyle Cycling or RPM (Various Instructor @ Celebrity Fitness Mid Valley) daily routine, attended 7 - 12 indoor cycling class per week.
**Angeline: I'm a photographer specializes in Boudoir (Nude) Photograaphy, Yoga, Pilates and Gym Body Photography. Please kindly contact me for the photography package price at angel_line78@hotmail.com or FB message me at www.facebook.com/angelineo Thank you!
Boudoir Photography

Angeline & Associates Photography
Shot with Nikon D7000 I am Angeline (Yoga teacher, photographer and blogger). Thank you for reading my posts. My media coverage touches mostly on lifestyle events and focuses on happening scenes in Kuala Lumpur and Kota Kinabalu. I also write food reviews, travel and hotel reviews, KL clubbing reviews and product launches. My other interests include the movies, technology and photography. Subscribe to my facebook page. Contact me via my email at: angel_line78@hotmail.com


  1. Great blog you have here. We linked u on our blogroll babe:)
